The Row64 Team

Our Story

How it all began

Row64 started with the idea of making cutting edge hardware easy to use.

We are a team of data scientists, computer graphics experts, and low level programmers. Members of our team spent many years working in the game industry and solving complex data problems. The Row64 founders realized the same technology that revolutionized video gaming could be applied to reinvent business software. Row64 started with the vision of scrolling through massive amounts of data in real-time and letting users visually immerse themselves in what they’re working on at scale.

Row64 was written from the ground up using a low-level, bare-metal hardware programming approach. It was a challenge to develop, and required many iterations to increase speeds and dramatically improve user experience. Several breakthroughs happened that combined the GPU, modern SSDs, and CPU multi-threading driving innovations in low-latency memory access and data throughput. These proprietary techniques allow people to work with data 10’s to 1000’s of times faster than our early prototypes and conventional software. We spent over two years in interviews and usability tests so that Row64 would be more than just a fast product, but also an intuitive and easy-to-use one.

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Our Vision

Looking Forward

The world is changing, and companies are becoming data companies.

The need to analyze and understand business data is a growing part of everyone's job. Our vision is to bring the absolute cutting edge of computing power right to your fingertips and reduce friction in the data processing loop. Whether you're a business analyst, data scientist, or data engineer, Row64 is building an integrated environment for everyone and bridging the chasm between technical and business data users.

Our goal is to help people by making a software that's easy-to-use, and also gives users the power to drill down into the details. This is the software we would have liked to have had in our prior jobs as data analysts & researchers.

Data work can be rewarding and enjoyable when you're discovering breakthroughs, novel insights, and connecting ideas together in a collaborative environment. Our vision is get you there faster.